Nose Aesthetics

Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequently preferred procedures among plastic surgery practices. Hundreds of people undergo this operation annually for both aesthetic and functional reasons.

Nose Aesthetics

Pre-Operation Preparation

Before rhinoplasty, there is a detailed examination and interview process. The surgeon evaluates the patient's expectations and health status. In addition, the patient's nasal structure is examined with various tests and imaging methods. How the operation will be performed and what techniques will be used are decided at this stage.

Operation Techniques

Rhinoplasty, also known as rhinoplasty, is performed with two different techniques: open and closed. In the open technique, an incision is made at the tip of the nose and the skin of the nose is lifted. In the closed technique, all incisions are made inside the nose, which ensures that it does not leave a scar. Which technique is used depends on the surgeon's experience and the patient's needs.

Risks and Side Effects

As with every surgical operation, rhinoplasty also has risks. Infection, bleeding, anesthesia complications and undesirable aesthetic results can be counted among these risks. However, choosing an experienced surgeon and a suitable healthcare institution minimizes the risks.

Aftercare and Recovery

After the operation, the patient's nose is fixed with a cast or a plastic splint. There may be swelling and bruising in the first few days, this is normal. The patient is generally expected to return to his/her daily life within 1-2 weeks. However, the full recovery process may take several months.

Cost Factor

The cost of rhinoplasty operations may vary depending on the patient's needs, the surgeon's experience, and the health institution where the operation will be performed. Since aesthetic operations are generally not covered by insurance, the patient bears the cost himself. Rhinoplasty is an important operation to improve the quality of life and make the person feel better. However, for this process to be successful, it is critical to choose an experienced surgeon and a suitable healthcare institution. Issues such as things to consider before and after the operation, risks and the recovery process should be planned in detail and shared with the patient.

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